I Am My Beloved's and He is Mine

god's love Sep 05, 2018

He is the bridegroom and YOU are His chosen bride. We tend to believe that corporately about Jesus and the entire church. However we don't realize that each of us must have that one-on-one connection with Jesus on our own. 

Jesus is madly in love with you. When we think of the relationship between Jesus and His bride as merely a corporate experience that exists in spite of ourselves, we miss the magical revelation of His love for us as individuals. We must each realize that If it was only "ME" He would feel the same burning passion He expresses for His beloved in Song of Songs. I am His and He is mine.

You are the theme of His love song.

Whether you are in a very good place spiritually or you are in the midst of your valley, your very lowest and darkest place, you are always overshadowed by the most perfect of all loves. His love for you. 

His love is the light your soul needs to flourish and bloom in the fullness of it's beauty. However it is faith and belief IN that love that opens the gateway to the heart which lets that light in.

Do you struggle to believe, feel or sense His love?  

Here are three things that really helped build my confidence.

1. Spend time alone not just talking to Jesus but listening to hear, sense and see evidence of His love for you.  

Love leaves clues and Jesus' love is superior to any love we could ever experience. There are always clues left for us to remind us that we are always on His mind. Have you had any clues left for you? I'd love to hear about them. Share some of yours with me and I will share a few of mine with you.

2. Look for evidence. 

This one ties in very closely with #1 but we don't just have to see the evidence in our alone time. Sometimes our world, our encounters with other humans and the weird, random things we notice when going about our day can be love notes left for us by the lover of our soul. You've heard the saying, "don't forget to take time to stop and smell the roses." We should also take time to notice the seemingly coincidental blessings we encounter every day. Each of them could be a meaningful gift left for us by our true love who is trying to get our attention.

3. Trust the word.

God's word is Jesus' ultimate wedding gift to us his bride. He pours out His love for us all throughout its pages. When you need to reassure yourself of His love and sense His presence, pick up your love letter from God and dive in to it's pages. Set yourself up to be reminded that what the two of you have is special and precious and no-one could ever come between that kind of love.

I pray that you encounter Him today in your "normal" daily routine. We don't have to be in church, at prayer meeting or at a conference to encounter our beloved. He wants to meet with you one on one every single day.

I'd love to hear from you. Please send me any and all prayer requests you'd like me to link arms with you about.

And always remember that you are loved and deeply cherished by Jesus and by me.




Photo by Tirza Van Dijk on Unsplash



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