Welcome to the Front Lines Girlfriend!

Uncategorized Apr 13, 2020

Some of you may not know that I am the prayer director for an international women’s ministry called Women on the Frontlines.

I was talking to the Lord this week and He highlighted to me that before 3-4 weeks ago, many women would not have thought of themselves as a woman on the frontlines.

Unless they were a minister or held a high-ranking military or government position, “frontlines” would not be a term they identified with.

Isn’t it interesting what a difference just a few weeks can make?

For the past few years God has had me working on a book called Gatekeepers Arise, so I have been privileged to have a very clear perspective that every single one of us is a key front line officer in our own sphere of influence. I realize that this mindset came through many intimate encounters with the Lord and I know it is one He wants the whole body of Christ to own in this coming new era in the churches story (the world’s story).

Now, with everything going on with the Corona Virus we are all beginning to see how vital every role in our society is, aren’t we? The front lines have become much more obvious to all of us.

Our grocery store workers are front liners. Our medical field workers and administrators are front liners. Our cleaning service workers and custodians are front liners. Our truckers and shipper/receivers are front liners. Our manufacturing facility staff members are front liners. Our educators are vital front liners. Our small business owners are front liners. Our logistics, farmers and food chain fulfilment operators are front liners. Our family members are front liners. We are all front liners. No one is insignificant.

So many of us now have to innovate, pivot, shift and find creative ways to serve in this season. We are realizing that we are the people literally holding our nations together by the seams.

Welcome to the front lines girlfriend! The reality is, you’ve always been on the front lines but you never believed or fully understood how vital you actually are. Now you do. Now we all do.

What is God saying to us in this season?

I believe He is saying that it’s alway been our responsibility to keep our nations moving forward. Only now, we are being provided a unique glimpse into how much we all need each other; how significant every piece of the puzzle is. We are all in a position to have critical impact on society at large. So it is about time we started believing in ourselves and in God’s divine hand of positioning in our lives.

Some of us are realizing that we need to allow God to reposition us because we have unique wisdom that can help in an area we are not currently serving in.

It is about time we started to look for and accept divinely orchestrated opportunities to set us up to be a voice of wisdom in the places we’ve been created for.

Too many of us feel ill-equipped, unfortified by the word, unskilled with our spiritual weapons or maybe a little dull in hearing the voice of Spirit right now. This is a wake-up call and an opportunity. It is time to change that and now we have time to set apart to re-connect with HIm.

God is showing us that we are a big part of His mission critical plans for the survival of our families, businesses, communities, industries, cities and nations. He is doing that because He wants to make sure we are positioned in the right place. This is a time of pause, but more importantly, it is a time of reset.

It is time to re-group, re-fuel and deploy into our assignments with confidence, power, spiritual authority and strength.

Do you feel like you didn’t have any extra oil for your lamp before this Covid-19 situation took hold? Let’s get ourselves ready so that next time the world is shaken (and there will be a next time), we have everything we need to not only survive, but also to thrive.

I am working on a free masterclass which I will teach live online in May for anyone who pre-orders my book Gatekeepers Arise this month. It’s time to allow the wisdom of God to awaken the powerful purpose within.

You can get in on this class by clicking HERE.

Get ready to arise, because it is time for God's church to shine.

Love Vita


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