Release Forgiveness

forgive forgiveness freedom Dec 05, 2018

Forgiveness is a key to unlocking and releasing realms of glory from the kingdom of heaven into the earth. It also sets the prisoners free. For the believer, it isn't to be treated as an arbitrary concept which we can opt in or out of at will.

Forgiveness or the lack thereof can either propel us into our destiny or imprison us in patterns of self-destruction indefinitely. 

Just like a lock requires for us to extend our hand, insert the key into the keyhole and turn, forgiveness too must be extended so that it can turn lives around until we are moving in the direction of promise. 

I want to lead us in a decree of forgiveness today because restoration and healing cannot take place unless forgiveness is released. God can not release the oil of forgiveness and restoration over us, or over our families and work places, or over our communities if we don't unlock the windows and gates of heaven with forgiveness. 

When we are...

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Light It Up God!

freedom light revelation truth Sep 12, 2018

David sang in Psalm 119:105 (NIV), "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." In the image above you will see the same verse typed out but in that image the text was pulled from the Passion Translation. I love that translation. While the NIV may be a more familiar rendering, I feel the Passion translation of this verse is so much more enlightening (pardon the pun). 

The bible isn't just God's word, it's God's truth and it's that truth which sheds a shining light on our path. That light guides us by bringing clarity to the choices and decisions set before us.

It's an awesome privilege that we get to go to God (the creator of everything) when we face a dark, confusing or scary path ahead. What a blessing to have Him light up the way we ought to go. It is not a magic formula though. When the light is shone to light the way before us, we are still the ones who have the power of choice.


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